Unit Conversions and Constants

E = <latexexpr.Variable object>

Variable instance representing Euler number

>>> Calculation('result',LN(E))
Calculation report will show --> result = ln(e) = ln(2.718) = 1
ONE = <latexexpr.Variable object>

Variable instance representing 1

PI = <latexexpr.Variable object>

Variable instance representing pi

>>> Calculation('result',SIN(PI/2))
Calculation report will show --> result = sin(pi/2) = sin(3.142/2) = 1
TWO = <latexexpr.Variable object>

Variable instance representing 2

ZERO = <latexexpr.Variable object>

Variable instance representing 0

deg_to_rad = <latexexpr.Variable object>

Variable instance to show conversions from degrees to radians. (Divide by this variable to reverse the conversion)

>>> v = Variable("v", 180, "deg")
>>> Calculation('result',v * deg_to_rad, "rad")
Calculation report will show --> result = v * pi / 180 rad/deg = 180deg * 3.142/180 rad/deg = 3.142 rad
ft_to_in = <latexexpr.Variable object>

Variable instance to show conversions from ft to in. (Divide by this variable to reverse the conversion)

>>> v = Variable("v", 2, "ft")
>>> Calculation('result',v * ft_to_in, "in")
Calculation report will show --> result = v * 12 in/ft = 2 ft * 12 in/ft = 24 in
k_to_lb = <latexexpr.Variable object>

Variable instance to show conversions from kips to lbs. (Divide by this variable to reverse the conversion)

>>> v = Variable("v", 2, "kip")
>>> Calculation('result',v * k_to_lb, "lbs")
Calculation report will show --> result = v * 1000 lbs/kip = 2 kip * 1000 lbs/kip = 2000 lbs